Diocese of Eastern Kowloon holds twelfth diocesan synod


The Diocese of Eastern Kowloon held its twelfth diocesan synod on 8 and 9 November at the Holy Trinity Cathedral. On the first day of the meeting, synod members passed three motions proposed by the diocesan standing committee. On the second day, apart from electing staff and members of various committees, synod members also took part in the adjournment discussion about virtual pastoral care methods.

During the meeting, on behalf of the standing committee, the Very Revd Chan Kwok Keung, dean of Holy Trinity Cathedral, reported about the developments of the diocese in the last synod. He highlighted that two former mission churches, St Titus’ Church and the Church of Our Saviour, became parish churches in 2019. Holy Wisdom Church is also expected to become a parish church in the near future, he added. However, he told the synod that the Church Of The Magnificat would be closed on 1 January 2021. Dean Chan also reported that the fundraising campaign of the Diocesan Development Fund, which was originally scheduled to end in 2020, would be extended for another two years to the end of 2022. The “Loving Souls – Spiritual Care Project” would also be extended until the end of 2021.