Diocese of the Arctic responds to Praying in Love and Faith


The Bishops and Clergy of the Anglican Diocese of The Arctic accept fully the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the authority of the Bible. To shine in the midst of spiritual confusion is the time seek biblical authority, even when and especially when others….the few, but vocally loud, Archbishops and Bishops reject biblical authority. We will not follow those who reject our biblically formed doctrines. For those of you who are listened to the news, please remember this is not the first time this rejection of biblical authority has happened. Remember the dark ages and also Josiah and Ezra…when the Word of God was re-discovered read and obeyed.

Again be assured that the Bishops and Clergy of the Diocese of The Arctic accept fully the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the authority of the Bible. Now is the time for the silent majority to gather in prayer, to call on Jesus, to repent of our sins and ask Jesus to delivers us from our own selfish and independent ways. I encourage you who are Anglican to find and attend a Christ centered bible believing Anglican Church. For our brothers and sisters of other Christ centered bible believing denominations, please pray for us as we seek to be faithful to Jesus, His Gospel and His commission telling us to go share His Gospel to the nations and teach them how to be disciples.

By grace,

Bishop David