The historical background to the John Shepherd controversy over the physical resurrection of Christ

Archbishop Justin Welby has appointed as his "ambassador" to the Vatican a priest who denies the bodily resurrection and empty tomb of Christ. The Rev Dr John Shepherd, interim director of the Anglican Centre in Rome, said in an Easter message that the resurrection of Jesus "ought not to be seen in physical terms but as a new spiritual reality".


Archbishop Justin Welby has appointed as his “ambassador” to the Vatican a priest who denies the bodily resurrection and empty tomb of Christ. The Rev Dr John Shepherd, interim director of the Anglican Centre in Rome, said in an Easter message that the resurrection of Jesus “ought not to be seen in physical terms but as a new spiritual reality”.

This YouTube offers an historical background to this controvercy by reflecting on previous debates surrounding the resurrection of Jesus in the Church of England. Discussion includes: 1. Bishop Hensley Henson (1912) 2. Archbishop William Temple (1910) 3. Bishop Ernest Barnes (1947) 4. Canon Geoffrey Lampe (1966) 5. Bishop Hugh Montefiore (1954) 6. The Myth of God Incarnate Debate (1977) 7. Bishop David Jenkins (1984) 8. Dr. John Shepherd (2019).

Presentation delivered by Dr. Frederik Mulder