For the record, in case it needs saying: I am not a Nazi.
I gave a talk at a pro-life event that seemed to go down well, I am pleased to have contributed to what I believe to be the most important of causes. The enemy hates that, of course, and the attacks have been plentiful. That is fine and to be expected.
The joke at the end was a mockery of the hysterical “liberals” who called Elon Musk a Nazi for quite clearly showing the audience his heart was with them. Context is key, but sometimes people ignore context to confirm their own prejudices. People see what they want to see.
My attempt at dry wit, in that typical British way, was not a joke at the expense of WWII, nor an admission of my membership in the Nationalist Socialist Party. That would be an incredibly ignorant and bad faith assumption to make. The responses are very telling, though. The people who understand, cheer – those who have eyes to see. The people who do not want to understand, reach for their pitchforks. They have found a new channel for their hated. They remain in my prayers; may the Lord soften their hearts.
Do not let the liberals distract from the real issue, the matter at hand, that we are allowing and enabling infanticide, and it must stop.
Whether a silly old cleric like me makes a poor joke is irrelevant. Do not be swayed and distracted by the enemy whispering in your ears. Focus on the light.
All human life is sacred. Imago Dei.
I will take the consequences as they come. Those of us in the pro-life camp adorn the full armour of God.
You can consider my joke crass. But I ask you to consider if your responses have been proportionate?