Independent Reviewer of Mike Pilavachi safeguarding review appeals for information


Hi, I am Fiona Scolding KC and I am the Independent Reviewer appointed by the trustees of Soul Survivor Watford, Soul Survivor and Soul61 to carry out a review of the evidence produced following the allegations made and investigated by the Church of England’s National Safeguarding Team (NST) and the St Albans Diocesan Safeguarding Team by numerous individuals against Mike Pilavachi. My colleague, Ben Fullbrook, has been appointed to assist me with the review.

You can find the full terms of reference below which explain what the review will cover. In summary, the review which I have been instructed to carry out is separate from the Church of England investigation.  I will consider the allegations which were made to that investigation and the extent to which they identify lessons which can be learnt about past, current and future culture, practice, governance, oversight  and safeguarding arrangements.  At the conclusion of the review I will produce a report, which will be published in full and will be available here.  Those who contribute to the report as complainants or as providers of information will be anonymised, unless they do not wish to be so.  If you would like to contact me, all the details are below.


Contact Fiona

I am keen to hear from any one who is affected by the actions of Mike Pilavachi and events surrounding his work at Soul Survivor, Soul Survivor Watford or Soul61 and wishes to share information with me.  Information you provide to me will be handled in accordance with the Privacy Notice which can be viewed here.   It will be seen by myself and those assisting in the review. Please click below to email me.