A Christian Prayer for Palestine and Israel issued by the Anglican Church of Southern Africa


O God of love,
As hatred once again reveals itself amongst people in your Holy Land,
And as great evil gives rise to even more evil;
We have seen how warnings from those who love Palestine and Israel
 have been ignored and how impunity has grown;
We have seen peoples’ humanity denied; and
We have seen children, women and men living in fear.

We now turn to you.

You alone can turn this tide,
Turn us all from wicked ways, hatred and revenge.

God of the possible,
Grant the people of Palestine and Israel that which seems impossible:
Wise leadership,
Gentle hearts, and
A new beloved community, embodying
 love, truth, justice, peace, forgiveness and reconciliation.

After the many crucifixions in our time,
Hold your hope before our eyes, O Lord.

Wipe away every tear, and
Give us all a new and brighter vision of your kingdom, your new
Where the lion and the lamb lie down together, and
Where you live and reign
One God, forever and ever.
