Prayers from Mount Athos against Coronavirus


On Friday 27 March into Saturday 28 March the monks of Mount Athos, in every monastery, skete and cell, held an all-night vigil against the pandemic of the coronavirus.

The vigil was dedicated to the Panagia, who is the protectress of the Holy Mountain, as well as the Holy Hieromartyr Haralambos, who is noted especially for his miracles in vanquishing plagues and epidemics, including an epidemic that once infected the monks of the Holy Mountain and which he was responsible for dispelling.

In all the monasteries, during Matins, a special canon to the Holy Trinity for deliverance from pestilence was chanted, as well as a canon to the Theotokos and a canon to Saint Haralambos.

Also, during the vigil, the following three prayers were read with great emotion that have been specially written for the deliverance from epidemics and pestilence, the first by Saint Symeon, Archbishop of Thessaloniki, and the other two by Saint Kallinikos, Patriarch of Constantinople and disciple of Saint Gregory Palamas.

First Prayer
On Behalf of Infectious Diseases to our God in Trinity
By St. Symeon, Archbishop of Thessaloniki

Beginningless, eternal, Master God, Father all-holy, almighty, with Your living and good Word, and Your Comforter Spirit, accept with sympathy the prayers of us sinners.

The only-begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, Lord Jesus Christ, with Your compassionate Father and the gladsome Spirit, mercifully accept the entreaties of we who are the least.

The all-holy and all-good divine Spirit of the Father together with the all-merciful Father and the Son who became man out of His love for mankind, accept the distressed voices of Your humbled people.

The consubstantial and indivisible Trinity, one in reign and nature, the thrice-holy Lord, hear the petitions of Your humble supplicants and through Your immeasurable goodness forgive our countless offenses.

Through Your unsurpassable mercy, take pity on us who are justly chastised as You are justly enraged.
Through Your ineffable compassion, save us who are in danger and redeem us from every just threat and anger of Yours.

Expel from us the evil one and all his pursuits and machinations.

Divert every sensible and invisible temptation.

Banish every distress and sigh from us, and guard us from famine and pestilence, untimely and unforeseen death and every other misfortune, and take away from us all scandals and tumults that may arise.

And grant us to live in peace and harmony and abide in love with You and others, keeping Your commandments and finishing the course of this present life in a well-pleasing and pious manner through repentance.

Make us worthy also of Your heavenly and eternal glory and kingdom.

For You are our God and in You we place our hope, we have no one else but You and we place our hope in calling upon Your name to save us, through the intercessions of the all-holy and ever-virgin Theotokos, Your philanthropic angels, and all Your saints.

For You are a God of mercy, compassion and love for mankind and to You we ascribe glory, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

CLICK HERE to read the Second and Third Prayers.