Clergy and Laity divide over two candidates — vote rescheduled for 14 May 2018
A special meeting of the Diocese of Barbados synod at St Michael’s Cathedral in Bridgetown (pictured) failed to elect a new bishop in succession to the Most Rev. John Holder, Archbishop of the West Indies and Bishop of Barbados last week, forcing the convention to be prorogued until May 2. The Rev. John Rogers (45) and the Very Rev. Jeffrey Gibson (61) were unable to reach a two thirds majority in both the House of Clergy and House of Laity on 25 April 2018. To be elected the successful candidate must receive 51 clerical votes and 53 lay votes. After the fourth ballot, Fr. Rogers had 55 lay votes, but Dean Gibson led in the House of Clergy with 46 votes, with two other candidates drawing a handful of votes.
If this week’s meeting of synod fails to elect a bishop, the appointment passes to the House of Bishops of the Church of the Province of the West Indies, who will make the selection.Polling went on until close to 11 pm when a halt was called to proceedings and another date set.
The House of Clergy comprises 91 priests from all Anglican churches on the island, and the House of Laity has 84 members, two each drawn from the churches.