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Justin Badi Arama

Bishop Laish Boyd Honoured with National Pastoral Award of Distinction

The Anglican Diocese of The Bahamas & The Turks and Caicos Islands, and the wider communion extend heartfelt congratulations to our Bishop, The Rt. Rev’d Laish Boyd, on being selected as an honouree at the First National Pastoral Honours, hosted by Oracle Media Consultants....

CEEC offers alternative ‘affirmation of ordination vows’ services

The Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC) is inviting clergy to attend an ‘Affirmation of Ordination Vows’ Service as an alternative to the often called ‘Chrism Mass’ held in dioceses on Maundy Thursday. John Dunnett, National Director, Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC), said: “With their...

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Global South statement following the resignation of Justin Welby

The Global South Fellowship of Anglican ChurchesNovember 13, 2024 My dear brothers & sisters, As many...

GSFA chairman’s letter: September 2024

Dear GSFA Family and Friends,   I am writing this letter on September 3rd which, according...

Global South Pastoral letter following the Church of England’s July 2024 General Synod

Dear brothers & sisters who hold to the faith once delivered, ‘Looking to Jesus, the...

GSFA Chairman’s 2023 Christmas Message and Year-end Review

“There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came as...

GSFA chairman’s Holy Week message

Holy Week Message ( 2nd April 2023 ) By: Archbishop Justin Badi , Chairman of...

Global South archbishops question Welby’s “fitness to lead” the Anglican Communion following synod vote on gay blessings

The Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches (GSFA) deeply regrets the decision of the...

Statement by the GSFA re the ‘Pilgrimage of Peace’ to South Sudan by the Pope, Archbishop of Canterbury & Moderator of the Church of...

By the Primate of South Sudan & Chairman of Global South Fellowship of Anglican...

Adoption of gay blessings would lead to the removal of Welby as leader of the Anglican world — warn Global South archbishops

IF the General Synod of the Church of England affirms the House of Bishops’...

Appointment of Dean of Canterbury Cathedral –  “Archbishop of Canterbury Shuts the Door of the Cathedral to Orthodox Anglicans”

We are aggrieved by the announcement on 11 Oct 2022 by the Archbishop of...

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Bishop Laish Boyd Honoured with National Pastoral Award of Distinction

The Anglican Diocese of The Bahamas & The Turks and Caicos Islands, and the...

CEEC offers alternative ‘affirmation of ordination vows’ services

The Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC) is inviting clergy to attend an ‘Affirmation...

The Archbishop of York Stephen Cottrell ‘Determined To Lead Change’

The suffocation and slow death of the Anglican Church in Iran

Two Easters ago, the retiring Anglican archbishop responsible for the ailing diocese of...