New VTS faculty book provides a one-stop resource on the pastoral offices for clergy and lay leaders


ALEXANDRIA, Va., October 22, 2024 – Virginia Theological Seminary (VTS) is excited to announce the publication of Shepherding Souls: A Handbook for the Pastoral Offices (Seabury Books, 2024) by The Rev. Shawn Strout, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Worship and Associate Dean of Chapel at VTS.

The comprehensive handbook provides a complete resource for both clergy and lay liturgical leaders on the theology, liturgy, and practice of the pastoral offices. Covering baptism, confirmation, marriage, reconciliation of the penitent, ministration to the sick, and burial, each chapter begins by offering brief historical and theological contexts for the different rites, followed by a discussion of relevant pastoral and liturgical issues.

In addition, Shepherding Souls explores the cultural practices surrounding each liturgy, as well as providing discussion questions and further resources. Liturgical and theological insights are offered from an ecumenical perspective to ensure the handbook is relevant to leaders from a variety of different denominations.

Dr. Strout said: “Today’s church leaders face many challenges. Finding good resources for the pastoral offices should not be one of them. Shepherding Souls offers a one-stop handbook to help prepare people for baptism, confirmation and rites of affirmation, marriage, healing and reconciliation, and ministration to the dying and burial. I hope Shepherding Souls will be the go-to resource for the pastoral offices for all church leaders.”

Gordon Lathrop, Professor of Liturgy Emeritus, United Lutheran Seminary, and Past President, Societas Liturgica, said: “This volume presents a rare combination of good history, reliable theology, pastoral wisdom, and ecumenical awareness. Strout’s cultural accounts are apt, helpful, and representative. He makes use of the latest Roman Catholic, Episcopalian, Lutheran, Methodist and Presbyterian liturgy books. And his pastoral observations are themselves marked by the very flexibility, ‘theological nimbleness,’ and wisdom he often recommends.”

You can purchase Shepherding Souls: A Handbook for the Pastoral Offices (Seabury Books, 2024) here.