Girls’ Brigade Ministries announced today the appointment of Judith Davey-Cole as their new Chief Executive Officer. Judith succeeds Jules Murdy, who has served in the role for the past six years. 

In her new position, Judith will lead the organisation in its mission to empower girls and young women through life-changing programmes and experiences based on Christian values. With over 6,000 members, 2,300 volunteers and 340 local groups across England and Wales, Girls’ Brigade provides leadership opportunities, skill development, mentorship and spiritual growth for all girls aged 4+.

Judith said, “I’m delighted to be taking up this post. The role brings together wonderfully my faith and my passion for advocating for women and girls. Girls’ Brigade Ministries has got an amazing history of supporting, equipping and enabling the women and girls of today. Gender equality has come a long way, but we also know there’s so much more to be done. The cost-of-living crisis disproportionately affects women and girls, and we still have a gender pay gap. 

As I take up this role, I hope to showcase the stories of Girls’ Brigade and give girls a platform for them to speak about what matters to them. I’ve long had a passion for equal opportunities for women and I know that equipping girls now will help our future, in our local communities and society more generally.”

Named one of the most inspiring CEO’s of 2021, Judith Davey-Cole is an experienced CEO and leader with a track record of delivering strategic, cultural, and organisational change. She has led several non-profit and charity organisations through periods of growth and renewal, keeping true to their mission, vision and values while making it relevant today and moving forward.

Former CEO, Jules Murdy said, “It’s been a privilege to serve God through the work of GB. I am so thankful for the wonderful support given to me while in this role. I know that through God’s perfect timing, and the appointment of Judith, GB will continue to grow and impact the lives of girls and young women for many years to come.”

Chair of the GB Ministries’ Trustee Board Jo Greengrass said, “We’re thrilled that Judith has stepped forward to lead us in delivery of our 2027 strategy and know that you’ll hold Judith in your prayers as she steps forward for ‘such a time as this’.”