Leaders of the Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches (GSFA) will meet next month in Cairo to carry forward the work of reforming the Anglican Communion from within. In a letter dated September 1, the global orthodox Anglican fellowship of provinces and churches sees itself as a “holy remnant” that will stand fast against the innovations of doctrine and discipline adopted by some Anglican bodies.

The statement, released under the signature of the Primate of South Sudan, the Most Rev. Justin Badi Arama, Archbishop of Juba, stated the GSFA will maintain “visible differentiation” with those Anglicans who have “departed from the historic faith”, and will reach out to the faithful remnants with corrupted churches to support them in fellowship and prayer.

The 17-19 October 2023 meeting will introduce to the archbishops the newly organized secretariat, which will be based in Cairo, and begin work on the first GSFA Assembly scheduled for 11-15 June 2024.

Archbishop Badi Arama spoke to the internal needs of several member provinces, beset by war, civil strife and political instability. He also offered his support for the Church of Uganda’s stance on that country’s new sodomy laws. The Church of Uganda’s position on the law had been mischaracterized by many Western commentators, he observed, adding the “GSFA supports Archbishop Kaziimba’s response and recognises that GSFA members are committed to helping each other abide by the whole of Lambeth 1.10 including its call for pastoral care for those who are same-sex attracted.”

Eleven provinces are currently enrolled members of the GSFA: The Episcopal / Anglican Province of Alexandria; Church of Bangladesh; Anglican Church in Brazil; Iglesia Anglicana de Chile; Province de L’Eglise Anglicane Du Congo; The Church of the Province of Myanmar; The Anglican Church in North America; Church of the Province of South East Asia; Episcopal Church of South Sudan; Episcopal Church of Sudan and the Church of Uganda. Other provinces are in talks with the GSFA leadership and are expected to participate in the 2024 assembly.