The Christian Institute statement on Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill – Friday 29 November 2024


Following the Vote in the House of Commons today (NOV29) to pass the Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill to the next stage, Ciarán Kelly, Director of The Christian Institute said:

“We are deeply disappointed that the Commons has agreed to endorse this dangerous and divisive Bill.

“We are grateful to the many MPs who spoke and voted against it, and the fight is not over. We know that the more people know about assisted suicide the less they like it. Those MPs who supported the principle of the Bill but have concerns about its practical implications must now take the time to scrutinise it properly. They will find the promised safeguards are nothing more than a mirage. They will then have a further opportunity to vote against the Bill before it clears the Commons. If it does go to the House of Lords, it is by no means guaranteed to pass there. 

“We urge Christians to keep on praying and to be ready to approach their MPs again over the coming months. This is a life and death issue. Now is not the time to give up.”