Tensions eased in Faisalabad as blasphemy-accused Younis Masih is found innocent


In a recent development, tensions in Faisalabad have eased following the release of Younis Masih, also known as Bhagat, after he was cleared of blasphemy charges. Masih’s release has restored calm to the area.

The incident began when Masih was arrested on allegations of blasphemy, stemming from a complaint filed by Susan Fatima on February 10th, 2024. Fatima accused Masih of entering her home, assaulting her, and disrespecting the Holy Quran. She claimed the altercation originated from Masih’s objections to her family’s conversion to Islam about one and a half years ago.

However, Masih’s voluntary surrender to the police instead of running and hiding somewhere, and subsequent release have dispelled tensions in the region. Local residents have welcomed Masih’s exoneration, asserting his innocence and condemning the fabricated accusations made against him. The resolution of Masih’s case has led to a sense of relief and stability among the community.

Furthermore, in a surprising turn of events, Susan Fatima has herself been arrested by the authorities for further investigation into the incident. This development underscores the need for thorough scrutiny and accountability in cases involving blasphemy allegations.

As the situation in Faisalabad returns to normalcy, there is a renewed emphasis on upholding justice and safeguarding the rights of all individuals, irrespective of their religious beliefs. Masih’s case serves as a reminder of the importance of fair and impartial legal proceedings and the dangers of false accusations in society.

According to local Pastor Shakoor Alam, a resident of Jaranwala, Younis Bhatti, a widower with three sons and two daughters, is known for allocating land to many Christian families with government cooperation. The plot where Fatima resides is claimed to be his property. Pastor Alam expressed doubts about the veracity of the blasphemy accusation, suggesting it might be a ploy in a land dispute to prevent Bhatti from reclaiming his property. He called for a thorough investigation to uncover the truth, highlighting concerns over the potential misuse of blasphemy laws in personal disputes.

Nasir Saeed, Director of CLAAS-UK, emphasized that the arrest and subsequent release of Younis Masih shed light on the misuse of blasphemy laws in Pakistan. He highlighted how individuals exploit this legislation to settle personal vendettas and score against their adversaries. Saeed commended the police for their discernment in investigating the matter, leading to Masih’s release and the arrest of Fatima, who falsely accused Masih.

Highlighting a broader issue, Saeed pointed out that this case is not an isolated incident. He stressed that in numerous past instances, blasphemy charges against individuals have been proven false. However, delayed action has resulted in tragic consequences, with some innocents losing their lives and many others languishing in jails.

Referring to the infamous attack in Jaranwala last August, Saeed drew parallels with the current situation. He noted that despite the innocence of Rocky and Umair Saleem, who were falsely accused of blasphemy, they remain incarcerated. Saeed expressed concern for their well-being and urged authorities to expedite their release and assist them in returning to normal life.

In conclusion, Saeed called upon the government to scrutinize such incidents and amend existing laws to safeguard innocent individuals and hold false accusers accountable. He emphasized the urgent need for legislative reforms to prevent further injustices and protect the rights of all citizens.