Prayers of Love and Faith: A statement from the CPAS Trustees


CPAS is an evangelical Anglican mission agency whose focus is sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ through the work of the local church. CPAS is committed to working to enable the Church of England to be a place of welcome for all, founded in the sacrificial love of Jesus, whose death and resurrection offers eternal life to everyone who turns to him, regardless of age, race or ethnicity, ability, gender, or sexual orientation.

With regards to human sexuality, CPAS holds to the historic doctrine of the Church of England, which teaches that ‘marriage is in its nature a union permanent and lifelong, for better for worse, till death them do part, of one man with one woman, to the exclusion of all others’ (Canon B30).

Although CPAS engages with a broad family of churches holding a spectrum of convictions, the work of CPAS is guided by these statements which have been adopted by Trustees: the CPAS Basis of FaithOutworkings of Faith, and the Affirmations on Human Sexuality

Among CPAS Patronage churches there are many who are concerned that the proposed Prayers of Love and Faith imply a departure from the doctrine of the Church of England.

Recognising that the Prayers have been referred to the House of Bishops for further consideration, and that important new Pastoral Guidance is being produced, our team will be working to support parishes and ministers during this season of uncertainty. We remain committed to playing our part to support the mission of the Church of England.