Altar of Christ Church, Anglican in the Old City of Jerusalem.

This weekend should have marked the launch of our end-of-year fundraising campaign. However, in light of what is happening in Israel, we are instead sending out this email as a call to intercession. 

You may already have read news feeds announcing rocket fire and military skirmishes in Israel between Hamas soldiers, local police, and the Israel Defense Force. It is impossible to determine at this time how serious or prolonged this season of conflict will be. As you are probably aware, this is different from past rounds of the conflict in that the terrorists from Gaza have infiltrated Israeli towns and settlements in the south. This time, as far as we can tell, the region stands at a watershed moment. We will issue regular prayer alerts as new needs become clear.

A leading newspaper in Israel published the following, only minutes ago:

There have been terrible massacres in some communities and military bases. Although thousands of rockets and missiles have been fired into Israel, from the south to Jerusalem and the greater Tel Aviv area, that has been mainly a diversion: Hamas’ military effort is concentrated on the Israeli communities on the Gaza border. Tragically, it has been very successful. 

First, a couple of reminders. Nothing occurs outside the Providence of the Father. So pray in hope for all of His disciples here in Israel and Gaza. Be aware that these troubles are accompanied by digital misinformation. So, caution is required. 

As of the sending of this email, the situation on the ground is as follows:

1. Rocket fire continues to land in Israel. Over 3000 rockets have been fired in the last ten hours.

2. There are over 1000 wounded and over 100 dead. The likely number could be hundreds more.

3. Israeli security services report that there are still 20 locations of ongoing fighting with Hamas militants within Israeli territory.

4. The IDF has confirmed that hostages have been taken. The numbers are unconfirmed but could be between dozens to over a hundred.

Key things to pray for right now are:

1. For all those who have been injured by rocket fire or terrorist gunfire.

2. For those who have been kidnapped

3. That the officials in Israel that will decide how to respond and will be graced with the wisdom of the Lord whether or not they ask for it.

4. For the perseverance and calm of our staff as we serve our guests and pilgrims, who are often quite frightened. for their safe passage home and for local people who may be needing help as well.

5. Pray for the upcoming groups scheduled to come – for wisdom in how to proceed. 

6. That the Lord gives our leadership wisdom in the decisions we will need to make in the
next hours.

7. Especially intercede for Micah, Idan, and Daniel, young men from our communities who are part of response teams serving as soldiers or medics in harm’s way. Pray for members of our congregations that have either been called up themselves or have children and grandchildren that are serving in the military and emergency services.

8. Pray for the residents of Gaza. Through our online ministry in Arabic, we are getting messages from people that we are working with and discipling who are frightened and equally fearful for their lives. 

There is much for which to pray. However above all, please pray for God’s sovereignty in these difficult times. May His kingdom come, and may His will be done.

Thank you for your partnership of prayer in our calling.

– CMJ Israel Staff