Anglican Network in Europe statement on bishops’ LLF recommendations


Where is repentance?

The Anglican Network in Europe wholeheartedly echos Archbishop Foley Beach (Chair, Gafcon
Primates’ Council):

“We, in Gafcon, call on leaders in the Church of England to repent and return to the teaching and
practice of Holy Scripture and the historical one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.”

We do so as the provision for faithful orthodox Anglicans in Europe initiated by the Gafcon
Primates’ Council.

The proposals presented by the House of Bishops as the outcome of Living in Love and Faith are incoherent and contradictory but, most seriously, they reject the clear teaching of Scripture in favour of plural truth and personal preference. The suggested use of the commended prayers denies the Lord Jesus Christ’s call to repentance and faith as his loving invitation to all people.

Our heart goes out to those who have been profoundly disappointed and feel sadly betrayed by such abject failure of leadership. We pray for those who are now struggling to discern how to remain loyal to their Lord without compromise and cultural capitulation within the Church of England.

We join with all faithful orthodox Anglicans around the world in deploring this lamentable departure from ‘the faith once for all delivered to the saints’ (Jude 1:3) and call on them to declare impaired communion with those who have failed to uphold the truth and drive away error.

We commit ourselves to work with others in Gafcon and the Global South Fellowship of Anglicans
to safeguard the gospel of Christ in a renewed faithful Anglican Communion as we continue to
offer an authentic and globally recognised home under the Jerusalem Declaration.