Global South Bishops to Meet Archbishop of Canterbury to Discuss Presenting GSFA Resolution on ‘Lambeth 1.10’ at the Anglican Communion Plenary (AUG 1)


This morning, GSFA Primates held a Press Conference in which they announced they would table their own ‘Resolution’, confirming’ Lambeth 1.10’ as the Communion’s official teaching on marriage and sexuality.  They would also give all bishops gathered at the Lambeth Conference an opportunity to confirm their agreement by the end of the Conference.

Archbishop Justin Badi, Chairman of the GSFA, is grateful to the Archbishop of Canterbury for agreeing to meet tomorrow (JULY30), to discuss the possibility of Archbishop Badi presenting the need for ‘Lambeth 1.10’ to be central to the life of the Communion, at the Anglican Communion Plenary session for bishops on Monday 1 August.

Archbishop Badi will be joined at the meeting by other GSFA Primates, including those from Indian Ocean, Chile, Congo, and others.