Henry Ndukuba

We appreciate the labors and contributions of all our men and fathers in supporting the work and ministry of the Church. We congratulate all our Fathers on this year’s Fathers’ Sunday, our prayer is that the Lord will bless you all with the righteous man’s reward as you continue to serve God, knowing that we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which the Lord has foreordained for us. (Ephes. 2:10)

Fathers are Covenant Connectors, Priest of their homes, Burden bearers, God’s Representative, Progenitors, Seed, and Vision carriers. Fathers are pivotal to God’s plans for every generation. May the Lord enable all our men and fathers by His grace to fulfill their purpose and calling in life as Fathers.

In Genesis 18: 16 -19, Abraham our father in faith, was visited by the Lord in the midst of prevailing wickedness and sexual perversion as it is today. But God found in Abraham a man and a father He could trust, partner, and work with for the accomplishment of His divine purpose for their generation. God is still looking for such a man and father in our generation, will God find you as such? In verse 19, God said, “For I have known him, in order that he may command his children and his household after him, that they keep the way of the LORD, to do righteousness and justice, that the LORD may bring to Abraham what He has spoken to him.”

God affirmatively attested to Abraham’s obedience and godly leadership over his family, as a type of faithful and godly father that leads by example. As we celebrate this year’s Fathers Sunday, God’s desire is that we will be fathers whose lives and actions will command our household after Christlikeness. One implication of the text is that only Fathers who keep the way of the Lord that will see and enjoy the fulfillment of what God has promised.

We are in very precarious and perilous times. This is also God’s own opportune time. We, therefore, admonish all our men to be vigilant and pay close attention to their Health, their Family, Environment and Social Associations. The activities leading on to the 2023 General Elections are on now. We have the opportunity to change the narrative of our Nation. We encourage all men to obtain their Voters Card and mobilize their families to do the same. All men must determine to be involved in Voting credible leaders into power come 2023. The next regime must serve to salvage our nation from the brinks of becoming a failed State.

The opportunity for a peaceful change in Political leadership is now. Every man and father must exercise his civic right. We must remain faithful to the Lord in all things. Be watchful and be prayerful, and seek not yet repose.

Again, we congratulate all members of the Christian Men’s Fellowship, our dear men and

fathers, the LORD will preserve you to celebrate many more Fathers Sunday.

The LORD be with You.

The Most Rev’d Henry C. Ndukuba MA, BD, MA (Ed), DD.

Primate of All Nigeria and Bishop of Abuja.