GAFCON general secretary Ben Kwashi battling cancer


Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Grace and peace to you in Christ Jesus our Saviour and only Lord!
I am writing on behalf of the Gafcon family to let you know that Archbishop Ben Kwashi, our General Secretary and Archbishop of Jos, Nigeria, is undergoing treatment for cancer. Archbishop Ben & Mama Gloria along with their children are grateful for your prayers and concern.

At this stage there is little to report and the family asks for privacy while treatment continues and further tests are carried out.
Please pray for Archbishop Ben, that he will be comfortable and pain-free during the chemotherapy, and that it will be effective in dealing with the tumour.
Archbishop Ben is very positive, trusting in His Lord for the future and continues to be committed to the clear and effective proclamation of the Gospel.
This week he wrote:
I want the Bible taught with clarity, integrity and conviction.
I want the Bible lived out in real life, changing lives and communities everywhere.
I want truth, righteousness and justice to be common in the life of the church, amongst believers and extended to the world.
I want the mission of the gospel to be a living experience of the church, insisting on conversion, experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit and bearing the fruit of the Spirit as a mark of discipleship.
I want this ministry to children, youth, widows, orphans, aged, and helpless to be a regular mission of the church.
May the Word of God spread with speed…
May the Gospel of salvation be preached to the world…
May the Spirit of God fall afresh on us…
May the name of the Lord alone be glorified…
Almighty and most merciful Father, whose nature is to be compassionate and kind: Show mercy and compassion on all who struggle this day with cancer, especially Archbishop Ben, on those groaning in pain of the illness and those suffering through the pain of treatment. Give them grace to cast all their cares upon you, assure them of your Presence in their struggles, heal them all by the power of your love, through Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit One God now and forevermore. Amen
We will bring you an update when more news is available to be shared.
Grace and Peace, 

The Most Rev. Dr. Foley Beach
Chair of the Primates Council