Kenyan archbishop suspends public worship for 30 days in response to government directive to help combat the spread of COVID-19



Psalms 11:3: When the Foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?

a. Preamble
Dear Kenyans, we send you Goodwill greetings during this period of lent, a time that we take to pray and fast. It is our hope and prayer that all of us are in this mood and looking forward to the victory of our lord. After deep reflection and Consultation on the State of the Nation, we wish to provide guidance on the following prevailing matters of National Importance:

b. COVID 19 Pandemic
We commend the government for the efforts and measures that have been put in place to manage the pandemic. It is, however, apparent the preparation on the ground may not be sufficient in addressing the pandemic. We ask, that more effort be put in place to ensure that those who are directly involved in essential services such as those in the Medical, Hospitality, and Security sectors are cushioned from the adverse effects of the pandemic. We further urge employers to be sensitive to their workers as we go through this trying season. For the business community, we urge you not to take advantage of the situation to exploit consumers.

In regard to the Church’s Ministry:
i. We have put in place mechanisms to mitigate the impact of the prevailing situation on matters regarding worship and other essential services that are provided by the Church such as Sunday Worship, burials and weddings.

ii. In addition to all the other arrangements for worship, the Archbishop will be conducting special Broadcast services on Sundays at 8:00am and Wednesdays at 6:00pm. This will be streamed live on the official Archbishop’s Facebook Pages

iii. We encourage parents to take care of their children and discourage them from visiting public places such as malls/markets and also monitor their interactions.

c. Nationhood
We urge Kenyans to promote National cohesion by recognizing that the Country leadership has all constitutional elements that back it with the Presidency being the unifying factor. May we dwell in unity and peace.

d. The BBI Opportunity
As you will recall in our address to the Nation on 16th December 2019, we urged Kenyans to take time to read the BBI Report and have conversation that must focus on what we can do with the problems the report documents, which of its recommendations help us to address those problems, and how we can implement those recommendations and move the country forward. That position remains our appeal. We urge the political class and all Kenyans in general to avoid insults and provocative utterances that border on ethnic incitement and threat to peace.

e. Locusts
We note the devastating effects of locusts in most parts of the Country and call upon the government to intensify measures to address this disaster as it touches on the lifeline of the entire country.

f. Call for Nation Prayer
We call upon all Christians from today, the 17th of March, to set aside 10mins at 8.00p.m every day to pray for the Nation in their homes or wherever they will be. In addition, all Christian should make this Sunday, the 22nd of March, a National Prayer day.

Signed on this date, 17th March, 2020

The Most Rev. Dr. Jackson Ole Sapit,

Archbishop of Kenya, Bishop of All Saints Diocese, Bishop -in – Ordinary to the Kenya Defence Forces