Appointment of the 10th Bishop of Singapore


We are pleased to inform you that the Provincial House of Bishops has appointed Rev Canon Dr Titus Chung, aged 55 years, as the tenth Bishop of Singapore.

Canon Titus is currently the Priest-in-charge of St Andrew’s Cathedral Mandarin Congregation. He is also the Convenor of Continuing Ministerial Education for Clergy & Deaconesses in the diocese, and a member of the Senior Clergy Planning Team. Canon Titus was ordained in our Diocese in 1997. He is married to Connie and they have 2 sons in their twenties, Theodore and Thaddeus.

Canon Titus will be consecrated and installed on Sunday 18 October 2020 at St Andrew’s Cathedral. We ask for your prayers for him and his family as they prepare for this new appointment and the taking over of a new role with new responsibilities. Pray fervently with these Scriptures in mind: Num 27:16; Jer 3:15  & 2 Tim 4:1-2.

 Together for God’s glory

The Rt Rennis Ponniah