
Episcopal Woman Priest Says Abortionists are “Saints”

The National Abortion Federation (NAF) have announced that  The Very Reverend Katherine Hancock Ragsdale is to be their  President and CEO.

“We are pleased to announce that Katherine will be staying at NAF as our President & CEO,” said Sue Carlisle, MD, NAF’s Board Chair. “In her short time at NAF, Katherine has demonstrated her unwavering commitment to serving our members and her great vision for the future of NAF, the NAF Hotline Fund, and NAF Canada. After working with her for the last year, it was clear to the Board that the best person for the job was already leading the organization.”

Ragsdale is an Episcopal priest who has been outspoken about abortion rights, LGBTQ equality, and public policy issues affecting women and families throughout her career. She has testified before the U.S. Congress as well as numerous state legislatures about the importance of abortion access and was a featured speaker at the 2004 March for Women’s Lives in Washington, DC.

Rev. Ragsdale has preached about how abortion is a blessing and has been active in clinic defense work and other activities to support abortion providers for more than 35 years.

“It has been a great privilege to lead this organization for the last year and work alongside the incredible and dedicated NAF Board, staff, and membership,” said Ragsdale. “Abortion providers are some of my personal heroes and modern-day saints. It is an honor to be able to serve and support NAF members as they provide compassionate health care amid increasing attacks and challenges.”

Katherine Ragsdale is a high ranking Episcopalian priest. She has been the president and dean of Episcopal Divinity school and is  openly lesbian, having “married” Rev. Mally Lloyd at Boston’s Episcopal Cathedral in 2011. The Bishop performed the ceremony.

This appointment should come as further confirmation of the pagan, feminist direction of the mainstream Protestant churches. Ms. Ragsdale’s high profile connects with Rev Emilie Smith–also a lesbian Anglican priest–who was present at the Pachamama ceremonies in Rome earlier this month.This is nothing new of course, read here about an event in London five years ago at which a member of Wicca spoke enthusiastically to a group of feminists about the importance of paganism. BTW – The only man present was a fellow who is “married” to a Muslim man.

If you haven’t connected the dots already, the whole thing is one: paganism, witchcraft, abortion, homosexualism, feminism and women’s ordination.

Go here for another post on the same subject.

What amazes and shocks me is that no one else seems amazed and shocked by this. Here is a Christian minister–no matter what you may think about women’s ordination–who not only defends abortion, but serves as president of an organization dedicated to promoting this crime.

And what do our Catholic bishops say about politicians who claim to be Catholic, but also support abortion?

Here is Bishop Malooley of Wilmington Delaware mouthing the usual spineless drivel about Joe Biden who backs abortion and has conducted a gay wedding.

I look forward to the opportunity to enter into a dialogue on a number of issues with Sen. Biden and other Catholic leaders in the Diocese of Wilmington,” the bishop said in an interview that was published four days before he was installed as bishop of Wilmington. “However, I do not intend to get drawn into partisan politics nor do I intend to politicize the Eucharist as a way of communicating Catholic Church teachings. It is critical to keep the lines of communication open if the church is going to make her teachings understood and, please God, accepted. It is my belief that Catholics of all occupations have the same duty to examine their own consciences before determining their worthiness for the reception of communion. I think I will get a lot more mileage out of a conversation trying to change the mind and heart than I would out of a public confrontation.”

Pah. Revelation 3:16

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