The Seventh Trumpet: Communiqué from the 7th Global South Conference, Cairo 2019


1. The Seventh Global South Anglican Conference took place in Cairo, Egypt from 8th through 11th October, 2019. The theme for this encounter was “Not Conformed…but Transformed” based on Romans 12:2.

2. 101 delegates and observers from 18 Anglican Provinces and other parts of the Anglican Communion were present.

3. We are thankful for the wonderful hospitality provided for us by Bishop Mouneer Anis and the people of the Diocese of Egypt.

4. We were encouraged by the presence of ecumenical guests at our opening dinner.  Amongst them were the representative of H.E. Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Minister of Antiquities, Khaled Anani, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Sanad, the representative of Pope Tawadros II of the Coptic Orthodox Church, Bishop Angelos, the representative of the Coptic Catholic Patriarch, Bishop George Shihan, the representative of the Greek Orthodox, Father Yusof, the representative of Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Dr Nazir Amen and various ambassadors. 

5. We are also grateful to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Home Affairs for facilitating this Conference and the Ministry of Tourism for arranging the memorable visits to the places of interest.

6. We received with thanks greetings from the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Revd. and Rt. Hon. Justin Welby, and the Most Revd. Dr Josiah Idowu-Fearon, the Secretary General of the Anglican Communion, which were conveyed by the Rt. Revd. Dr Graham Kings.

7. The Conference also welcomed some new Primates: the Most Revd. Jonathan B.B. Hart of West Africa, the Most Revd. Samuel Sunil Mankhin of the Province of Bangladesh and the Most Revd. Hector Zavala, Primate of the new Province of Chile. We also welcomed the Most Revd. Miguel Uchoa Cavalcanti of the Anglican Church in Brazil as a Mission Partner. 

8. The Global South Primates also elected a new Steering Committee: the Most Revd. Justin Badi of South Sudan as Chairman, the Most Revd. Tito Zavala of Chile as Vice-Chairman, the Most Revd. Samuel Manhkin of Bangladesh as Hon. Secretary, the Most Revd. Foley Beach (ACNA) as Treasurer and three Ordinary Members, the Most Revd. Stephen Than Myint Oo of Myanmar, the Most Revd. Masimango Katanda Zacharie of Congo and the Most Revd. James Richard Wong Yin Song of the Indian Ocean.

9. We also thanked the Primates on the current Global South Primates Steering Committee (GSPSC) who are retiring in 2020: the Rt. Revd. Dr Mouneer Anis (Chairman), the Most Revd. Nicholas Okoh (Vice-Chairman), the Most Revd. Stanley Ntagali (Hon. Secretary) and the Most Revd. Ng Moon Hing (Treasurer). We expressed our deepest appreciation to Bishop Mouneer Anis for his hard work and leadership at this Conference and his continuing role as Chairman of GSPSC until he retires.

10. We were inspired by the times of worship and prayer. The Bible Studies on the theme, led by the Most Revd Dr Glenn Davies (Sydney), the Most Revd. James Wong (Indian Ocean) and the Most Revd. Justin Badi (South Sudan) challenged us to avoid being led by the spirit of the age, and instead to be transformed by His Spirit and to learn to discern and do the will of God.

11. We were challenged by Dr Os Guinness to be prepared for the challenges which Global South Churches will face with modernity and the shifts that come with it.

12. There were lively discussions on the role of women. The need for a greater role by women in the leadership and ministry of the Church were shared by representatives from various Provinces, even as concerns were expressed on how these roles need to fit into the religious culture of each society.

13. Concerns were also expressed on whether our Anglican Churches are in touch with the younger generations and connecting well with their spiritual needs and aspirations. 

14. Issues regarding creation care, refugees, social and economic justice and political transition were also raised during this forum on women and youth. It is hoped that future conferences will see a higher number of participation from women and youth leaders from our Provinces. 

15. We heard encouraging updates, stories and challenges facing the ministry from each Province.

16. We noted the importance of the Church’s serving the communities through engagement with areas like education, health care and community development.

17. We noted the ministry challenges and the continual presence of armed violence and conflicts in some areas and the critical role the Church is playing in reconciliation, trauma counselling and gospel outreach in a context where faith in divine providence has been shattered. 

18. We are encouraged by the latest updates on the humanitarian and relief work of the Anglican Relief and Development Fund (ARDF).

19. We became aware of the challenge of the scarcity of water facing many countries in the world. We appeal to the international community to ensure fair distribution of water. We specially hope and pray that the issue of the Renaissance Dam in Ethiopia would be resolved in a peaceful way that is satisfactory to countries affected by it, including Egypt.

20. We appeal to the factions in South Sudan to honour the 2018 peace accords and address the suffering of her affected residents.

21. We were briefed on the history of the Global South. It grew out of our roots as an ecclesial body which gathered with missions and fellowship in mind as a “South-South Movement,” which was then under the auspices of the Anglican Consultative Council. The first meeting was held in Limuru, Kenya in 1994. We noted that God has used us beyond our original reasons for coming together, and which now includes the need to guard the faith and order for the sake of our Churches and the wider Anglican Communion.

22. We continue to uphold Resolution I.10 of the 1998 Lambeth Conference with regards to human sexuality. We are also happy to see the wider acceptance of the joint-document addresing human sexuality that was issued at the GS Conference in 2016.

23. We noted the Archbishop of Canterbury’s encouragement to bishops to attend Lambeth 2020. Being aware that provinces and dioceses are responding differently to the invitation, the Conference was reminded of the Global South Primates Steering Committee’s decision in their communiqué in March 2008:

“We are led to understand and appreciate the principled reasons for participation in GAFCON (June 2008) and Lambeth Conference (July 2008). Even if there are different perspectives on these, they do not and should not be allowed to disrupt the common vision, unity and trust within the Global South.”

Proposal on The Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches (GSA) Covenantal Structure

24. The Conference received the proposal paper on “The Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches Structure.” This study was commissioned at the Sixth Global South Conference in Cairo, October 2016, as expressed in paras. 30 and 31 of The Sixth Trumpet October 2016 Communiqué:

“… We recognise the need for our enhanced ecclesial responsibility. We need to strengthen our doctrinal teaching, our ecclesiastical ordering of our collective life as a global fellowship and the flourishing of our gifts in the one another-ness of our mission … The Global South Primates will therefore form a task force to recommend how these needs can be effectively addressed.”

25. The Conference appreciated the commendable work of the Global South Study Group on Enhancing Ecclesial Responsibility, which comprised the Rt. Revd. Rennis Ponniah (Chair), the Most Revd. Robert Duncan (Deputy Chair), Canon Dr Michael Poon (Secretary), the Rt. Revd. David Onouha, the Rt. Revd. Samy Shehata and Canon Dr Phil Ashey.

26. The objectives of the enhanced ecclesial structure proposed by the Study Group are fourfold:

i. to guard well together the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints;
ii. to be effective in fulfilling God’s mission to the world;
iii. to strengthen the Global South (GS) identity, its governance, its relational life and its collective mission and formation of disciples to respond with humility and robustness to the social challenges and movements of thoughts in the larger church and the world; and
iv. to work for the well-being of our Anglican Communion as we see ourselves as an intrinsic part of the Communion.

27. This proposal was discussed, debated and revised at this assembly over several sessions as well as at the Primates Council meetings.

28. 28. The final proposal on The Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches (“the GSA”) Structure was presented to the 7th Global South Conference on 11th October 2019 at All Saints’ Cathedral, Cairo (“the GSA Covenantal Structure”).

29. In response to this paper, this 7th Global South Conference resolved:

i. To adopt in principle the GSA Covenantal Structure as the basis of membership in the GSA as specified in section 3.1.2, subject to approval by the respective Provinces.
ii. To disseminate and inform all the Global South provinces of the adoption of the GSA Covenantal Structure and these Resolutions.
iii. To mandate the Global South Primates Steering Committee (supported by a GSA Follow-Up Executive Committee and a Secretariat) to follow up on the administration and acceptance of membership, and oversee the implementation of the GSA Covenantal Structure before 30th June 2021, with liberty to extend this time frame as it deems necessary.

(The GSA Covenantal Structure, which enables GSA Provinces to be mutually accountable and to work together for Gospel mission, was adopted and can be read here.)


30. We are strengthened, as a renewed Global South body, to be transformed by the renewal of our minds, that by testing we may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:2)

The collect for the 16th Sunday after Trinity:

“O Lord, we beseech you mercifully to hear the prayers of your people who call upon you; and mercifully grant that they may both perceive and know what things they ought to do, and also may have the grace and power faithfully to fulfil them; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Spirit, one God now and forever. Amen.”