
San Diego standing committee narrows episcopal slate to one candidate

Decision to offer a sole candidate for election is unprecedented in the modern era — save for the second election of Mark Lawrence as Bishop of South Carolina

In this nominating process, the Standing Committee of the diocese charged the Bishop Nominating Committee (BNC) with screening candidates and bringing a slate of nominees to the Standing Committee. The BNC did present its slate to the Standing Committee on Monday, October 15. The Standing Committee, after due consideration, has approved a single candidate, the Rev. Canon Susan Brown Snook, to be a nominee for election. A Petition Period is now open for others to submit applications by petition. This period has been extended to now close at 5 p.m. on Friday, November 16. If petitions are received, and found to be complete, those candidates will be submitted for complete background and reference checks, and if then approved by the Standing Committee, will be added to the slate of nominees, and invited to participate in the January Walkabout, along with the Rev. Canon Snook. If you have questions, please contact Communications Director Hannah Wilder, 619-481-5456.

The Rev. Canon Susan Brown Snook

The Rev. Canon Susan Brown Snook is the canon for church growth and development in the Diocese of Oklahoma. She helps congregations grow in numbers, evangelism, and outreach to the community. She also served in Arizona where she was the church planter and rector of Episcopal Church of the Nativity, Scottsdale. She wrote God Gave the Growth: Church Planting in the Episcopal Church. She is one of the founders and leaders of the Acts 8 Movement, a group of church leaders whose mission is to proclaim resurrection in the Episcopal Church. She was ordained in 2003 and earned a doctor of ministry degree from Virginia Theological Seminary.

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