Op-Ed The confrontation of satan and all evil by Jesus March 18, 2018 Homily for the 5th Sunday in Lent by Gavin Ashenden Previous articleStormtrooper crucifix removed after parishioner complaintsNext articleBishop backs martial law in Montego Bay Latest Articles Bishop of Buckingham and Bishop of Reading announced An update from the Bishop of Chelmsford following the... Virginia Theological Seminary awards the Dean’s Cross to The... Living Ecumenism: Communion in Mission Rochester Diocesan Synod backs vote of no confidence Welby bows out without grace — trying to take... Rochester diocesan synod reported to have passed a no-confidence... Bishop of Newcastle urges pause to Northern grants scheme Farewell, then, Justin Welby. Good to see that you... Grant awarded to strengthen mission across CoE’s northern dioceses Similar articles Op-Ed Living Ecumenism: Communion in Mission Op-Ed Welby bows out without grace — trying to take the boss with him Op-Ed Farewell, then, Justin Welby. Good to see that you have already forgiven yourself