Op-Ed Sermon for the 2nd Sunday after Epiphany January 16, 2018 God’s Break-in to the human heart; the Lamb who was slain. Previous articleACNA College of Bishops CommuniqueNext articleTwo street preachers interviewed for hate speech in Camberley, Surrey have all charges dropped Latest Articles Africa’s Anglican women bishops meet in Lesotho Welby given six months to move out of Lambeth... 20,000 Rare Books from General Theological Seminary Library Acquired... America’s “zombie” Protestant denominations and the coming land grab The problem of communion: The temptation of the faithful Episcopal Migration Ministries shutting down in wake of Trump’s... Episcopal Peace Fellowship denounce Trump’s Gaza proposals as “unlawful,... London-based Christian therapist leader gives evidence in Malta criminal... The Tik-Tokization of young people Who is God to you? Similar articles Op-Ed America’s “zombie” Protestant denominations and the coming land grab Op-Ed The Tik-Tokization of young people Op-Ed Jordan Peterson and the Problem of God