
ACNA and AMiA leaders meet in Dallas

On Wednesday April 13, 2016 Archbishop Foley Beach, Bishop Philip Jones, Bishop Bill Atwood, Bishop Sandy Greene, Canon Phil Ashey and the Rev. Allen Hughes met in Dallas to continue conversations about our relationship, history, and ministry.

Our conversations over many months have yielded substantial progress. Poignant times of sharing have led to meaningful expressions of forgiveness and reconciliation. Coming to a good place of personal relationships has allowed us to begin to address our ongoing ministry relationship and foster ways of cooperating.

We are seeking to be careful for our mutual ministries: to coordinate efforts so that objectives are fulfilled without undermining each other. Practically, we were able to address and resolve some cross-jurisdictional points of concern and foster positive and accountable relations. 

Our ongoing conversations are now turning to address and articulate values and goals with a view to find ways to collaborate for the good of the Kingdom and the witness of Anglican Christianity.

We are asking of all our clergy to continue in prayer, to continue to seek reconciliation even when it does not seem possible, and to model loving one another in a Christ-like manner.

Finally, we were profoundly aware of those who interceded for our meeting and want to give thanks for their faithfulness and continue to ask for fervent prayer.

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