
Church in Wales urges voters to “make your mark”

By voting and being active in politics we exercise our power to change society” bishops say in run up to May 7 general election

The bishops of the Church in Wales have released a joint statement urging people to “make your mark on May 7” and not “just sit there, get out and vote.” On 31 March 2015 the seven Welsh bishops stated that as “Christians want to make the world a better place”, the church has responded by being involved “in caring for those most in need, both at home and abroad. Because the prophets of the Old Testament and Jesus himself called for good news and social justice for all people, churches are involved, every day, in running food-banks, credit unions, family centres, shelters for the homeless, and projects to support young parents.” The stated that: “Wanting to make the world a better place also means caring about how our society is organised. By voting and being active in politics we exercise our power to change society.” And asked voters to to find out who promises to improve the lives of those in “greatest need”. The General Election was “too important to neglect” they said.

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