Last Saturday’s Diocesan Synod marked the first meeting of the new triennium, welcoming new members alongside those who have served for many years.

Opening Worship

Bishop David opened the meeting with a Eucharistic service featuring one of his favourite hymns – All Are Welcome. In his sermon, he spoke about the importance of diversity in all aspects of humanity and faith. He reflected on the importance of Synod members representing the diverse views and the different traditions of Manchester Diocese, at the same time as being united in their passion for Jesus Christ and his Church.

Read the full homily here.

Our Emerging Strategy

The focus of this Synod was to review the diocese’s emerging strategy. Bishop Mark reflected on the changes that have been made across the diocese in recent years and the four key themes of Growing Younger, Church Planting and Revitalisation, Developing Missional Leaders and Parish Renewal. These priorities are explained in a short film setting out this direction of travel as well as showcasing so much of the exciting work already underway across our diocese. Further discussion on the diocese’s strategy will be held in deaneries, mission communities and parishes over the coming months.

2025 Budget

Helen Platts, Diocesan Secretary, presented the budget for 2025-2027 for the Diocesan Board of Finance, with a projected deficit of £1.9 million for 2025. She outlined the diocese’s financial challenges, noting that after inflation, there has been a 60% fall in Parish Share since 2019. Clergy costs account for nearly 70% of the dioceses total costs, this being funded by Parish Share and funding from the national church for our most deprived parishes. Parishes were reminded of the importance of giving Parish Share in line with their latest agreement. In spite of the deficit, the diocese is committed to investing in mission and growth by maintaining 175 stipendiary posts for the medium term, with deficits being funded out of reserves.

Progress towards Net Zero Carbon

There was a presentation on the diocese’s progress towards achieving Net Zero Carbon by 2030. Funding has been secured to support our churches and schools with their decarbonisation plans, and for three demonstrator projects. Over 100 churches have achieved Eco Church Awards with many opportunities opening up for networking and training.

Annual Report of the Diocesan Board of Education

Deborah Smith, Director of Education, presented the Annual Report of the Diocesan Board of Education (the DBE). Work is underway to develop ministry with children and young people in our churches and schools, through the Children Changing Places in Bolton and ManDio Growing Faith in our other deaneries. The DBE is focused on developing the distinctive Christian character of our Church of England schools through support to the RE syllabus and collective worship. Headteacher recruitment and development and school governance are also priorities, as are working to achieve racial justice and net zero carbon in our schools.

Chair of the Diocesan Board of Finance

This was Canon Phillip Blinkhorn’s final meeting as Chair of the Diocesan Board of Finance. Bishop David presented him with a gift and expressed his thanks for Phillip’s service to the diocese. Canon John Walsh OBE was ratified as his successor.


At this first meeting of the new triennium, Canon Philip Geldard was elected as Chair of the House of Laity and the Revd Canon Grace Thomas as Chair of the House of Clergy.

Date of next meeting

The next Synod Meeting will take place on Saturday, 15th March, 2025.