Home Messages Presiding Bishop Andy Line’s statement on the accession of AMC to ANiE

Presiding Bishop Andy Line’s statement on the accession of AMC to ANiE


Bishop Andy Lines writes:

“I rejoice at what Gafcon is doing through the Anglican Network in Europe (ANiE). Following careful and due process, we have worked to provide an ecclesial home within Global Anglicanism for all seeking godly oversight. This includes, most recently, the inauguration of the Anglican Missionary Congregations Europe (AMC) as our third diocese. We are grateful for the close involvement, blessing and authorisation of the Gafcon Primates.

The partnership of faithful Global Anglicans is a beautiful and precious thing anticipating that great day when people from every tribe, language, people and nation will gather around the throne to praise our Lord for his grace and mercy. ANiE embraces such cultural diversity that glorifies Jesus and welcomes the vibrant experience of church planting and bi-vocational ministry that AMC brings to the Network.

I recognise that some take a more institutional view of Anglican unity, and also that others are pursuing different strategies to contend for the authority of scripture. Whilst we may differ about some views and approaches, our underlining unity continues to be in the truth of the gospel, summarised in the Jerusalem Declaration 2008. 

Gafcon has repeatedly offered its support and prayers, and stated its determination to stand with all who are ‘contending for the faith once delivered to the saints’; not least through the Network and our ongoing relationships with those who are part of Canterbury-aligned structures. This is crucial at a time when, sadly, some who are called and consecrated to uphold truth and banish error have departed from scripture. We will always rejoice whenever, and wherever, the Lord Jesus Christ and his word are honoured and upheld.”

This statement is in response to certain questions and erroneous statements circulating online.