Crosslinks’ response to General Synod vote


You will no doubt have heard about the decisions taken at the Church of England General Synod last month in respect of the Living in Love and Faith process. This outcome is not what we wanted but, sadly, not unexpected. As a partner church of Crosslinks, I would ask you to pray for wisdom in how we ought to navigate these troubling times. In the meantime please find below a statement in response to these events. Please be assured of our prayers for you at this time.

“We are deeply saddened by the recent decision of the General Synod of the Church of England that opens the way for the introduction of prayers of blessing for same sex couples before the end of the year. ‘Prayers of Blessing’ for same sex couples are far from loving as theyare incompatible with the word of God and the historic teaching of the Church; they will have devastating repercussions for the Church of England.

Crosslinks believe these proposals are being pursued erroneously and without adequate structural provision and protection for those remaining true to the biblical, historic and global majority Anglican view on marriage and sexual intimacy; this includes our Mission Partners who are faithfully serving around the world.

One of the repercussions of the ‘prayers’ will be the damage caused to the Anglican Communion that Crosslinks has worked to strengthen for more than a hundred years. However, in our hour of need we remain grateful for the friendship of our Anglican brothers and sisters around the world, including both GSFA and GAFCON, who have committed themselves to stand alongside those who are striving to remain faithful to God’s word at this difficult time.

“…to the only wise God be glory forevermore through Jesus Christ!”  Romans 16:27