Kenneth Thien Su Yin

The Anglican Church of the Province of South East Asia has consecrated a new assistant bishop for the Diocese of Sabah. On 5 November 2023 the Rt. Rev. Kenneth Thien Su Yin was consecrated and installed by Archbishop Melter Jiki Tais at a service held at All Saints’ Cathedral in Kota Kinabulu.

Bishop Kenneth (61) had his primary education at Chung Hwa School and secondary at All Saints’ School and Sabah College. He went on to obtain a BSc (Hons) in Physics (Geophysics) from the University of Science of Malaysia (USM), Penang in 1987. He then worked with the Malaysia Geological Department, Sabah Branch, for some years.

In 1996, he obtained his LLB (Hons) from University Wolverhampton, UK. After working with a local law firm, he set up his own practice and continues to practice law. In the Diocese of Sabah. He was once a youth worker, a lay-reader, a church planter, a pastor, a priest and the diocesan chancellor.

In 2003, he planted a church in a local shopping mall and started a café alongside it, to serve the younger generations in Kota Kinabalu. Named ‘Desert Stream’, the church is now situated in Wisma Leven, Luyang.

In 2018, he was collated a canon of All Saints’ Cathedral; a position he has been serving since. Currently, he serves as a tutor for the Anglican Training Institute (ATI), which trains new workers for the diocese.

And as the chairman of the Diocesan Vocation and Selection Committee – a body responsible for recommending suitable candidates for ordination to the priesthood. He also coordinates the prayer ministry of the diocese..

Bishop Thien is married to Lok Fui Ying; and they have an adult daughter, Zaccaria Yi Hung.