It is with deep regret that the Trustees announce that the English Churchman and St. James’s Chronicle will cease publication after the next number (dated June 30th.).

For many years the continuance of the paper has been precarious in terms of finance, circulation, and editorial assistance. Recently increasing costs have made serious inroads into the

Trust’s reserves – the paper has long relied on investment income to survive – and there has been a substantial and continuing decline in the paper’s circulation. The present situation cannot be justified or sustained.

The Trustees will consider how best to use the resources entrusted to them as they seek to fulfil the Trust’s first object – ‘to promote the Protestant principles and Evangelical doctrines of the Church of England as set forth in the Thirty-nine Articles and Homilies thereof’. The Trustees retain the goodwill of the ‘English Churchman and St. James’s Chronicle’ and the right to use the words ‘English Churchman’.

The paper’s office will continue to deal with necessary administration after June 30th.

The Trustees give thanks for the witness that the English Churchman and St. James’s Chronicle has been enabled to make since 1884, when it was placed on its present doctrinal basis. They pray that the Lord will raise up suitable instruments in his service ‘for such a time as this’, and that all may be done to the ‘praise of the glory of his grace’ (Ephesians 1: 6).