Stephen Kaziimba

The Archbishop of the Church of Uganda, The Most Rev. Dr. Stephen Samuel Kaziimba Mugalu has today hosted a delegation from the Danish Embassy including H.E Signe Skovbakke Winding Albjerg, the Danish Ambassador to Uganda; Birgitte Qvist-Sorensen, the General Secretary of Dan Church Aid (DCA) headquarters, and Anderson Hansen, the Country Director of DCA Uganda.

In a meeting held at the Provincial Secretariat in Namirembe, the Ambassador commended Church of Uganda’s efforts to aid the poor and called for continued solutions to problems and hardships.

Meanwhile, the General Secretary of DCA called for a closer working relationship between Church of Uganda and DCA to extend their humanitarian services to those in need.

She pledged support to Church of Uganda’s humanitarian agenda and expressed optimism that if the existing partnership is strengthen, more people in need will be rescued.

Archbishop Kaziimba Mugalu spoke highly of the longstanding partnership with DCA, which began in 1992 and is currently focused on implementing gender and social justice projects in Uganda. He stressed the importance of developing sustainable programs to empower Ugandan communities.

While highlighting some of the partnership’s achievements, including the construction of Biira Technical and Vocational Institute, Rev. Andrew Agaba, the Director of the Church Uganda’s Household and Community Transformation acknowledged the challenges the Church is still facing, such as youth unemployment and gender-based violence.

The partnership between Church of Uganda, the Royal Danish Embassy and DCA aims at promoting gender justice, supporting girl child education, and enhancing income and food security at the household level.