At St. Paul’s Cathedral two weeks ago, Bishop of London Sarah Mullally introduced a retired sociologist from Exeter University, also a lay canon, named Grace Davie, who was to give a lecture on religious trends in Europe in the age of Covid and the outbreak of war in Ukraine.  On Covid in particular, a key question for Davie, whose academic life centers on religion and sociology, was, “Is religion an additional risk in this situation, or is it an untapped resource, or is it both?”

In the course of Davie’s talk, she seems to have come to an optimistic conclusion on the question, despite her worry that far-right Christians on the continent, the U.K., and the U.S., are increasingly invoking religion to achieve right-wing political aims.  The cause for her optimism was the response of much of the world’s religions to the Covid pandemic, in particular the role that the clergy played in combating vaccine hesitancy during the roll out of the novel mRNA Covid vaccines.  The novel shots, of course, are a biological product that were never used on a mass scale on human beings prior to 2021, in which lipid nanoparticles are distributed throughout the body, fuse with cells, and thereby instruct the cells to make a a copy of the spike protein of the Sars-Cov-2 virus, which happens to be the most pathogenic part of the virus.  

In a printed handout for the attendees at the St. Paul’s lecture, Davie offered a citation to buttress her optimism that clergy are, as a matter of social scientific fact, key links in the effort to combat mRNA injection hesitancy.  The citation was from none other than the esteemed medical journal The Lancet.  Davie said of her citation,” I particularly took that because it’s a highly respected medical journal, it wasn’t a little parish magazine or something to do with the churches, it was full-on.”  About the medical journal article, the canon and sociologist said it  “really showed how if you got your faith communities on [your] side you could do so much with them, in terms of harnessing multiple faith groups, prominent community leaders, its staff, to get the right kind of language, to get the right kind of access, to get the right kind of leadership roles.”  Davie quotes from The Lancet’s conclusion, “If you [encounter] vaccine hesitancy, use your faith venues, find your imam, and your half-way there.”

For those who may have forgotten, here’s a quick rundown of how some of Western Christianity’s…um… imams, have achieved such high mRNA injection rates for their followers:

-Pope Francis: “Getting vaccinated is a simple yet profound way to care for one another, especially the most vulnerable”

Video link here:

-Archbishop Justin Welby’s feelings on the pharmaceutical manufacturers of the mRNA shots: “What I think about them is, trust them, they know what they’re doing better than we do, they may be wrong, but they know what they’re doing better than we do.”

Video link here:

-Bishop Michael Curry: “I would plead with you, get the vaccine. This vaccine can prevent the Covid-19 virus. The Bible says you shall love your neighbor as yourself. Getting this vaccine is one of the ways we can love our neighbor as ourselves.”

The list of Christian clergy exhorting the faithful to get injected with a novel medical device could go on and on.  And so does the list of people who have been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), who have been killed and injured by the same novel medical device.  The former, much as they tout the Golden Rule, never utter a peep about the latter.  The common good principle does not apply to them.  Indeed, to acknowledge their existence and suffering, to acknowledge their premature deaths, would require independent moral thinking, not a cheap readout from the latest press release from the Pfizer and Moderna PR departments, touting the wonders of their multi-billion dollar cash cow.

Because they are subject to elections from the general public, thankfully some government officials in the U.S., U.K. and EU Parliament are now, albeit belatedly, beginning to express moral concern, and most basic human empathy, for those who’ve been victimized by the mRNA injections.  Ecclesial bureaucrats, on the other hand, not only have ample padding from critics in society at large, they have the added padding of the people in their churches who took their instruction, and thus not only took the experimental shots into their bodies, but, at the instruction of their clergy leaders, incorporated the shots into their own moral code, and thereby incorporated the experimental shots into their very ego structures: their very sense of self-hood.  

It will take a whole lot of dead bodies, a whole lot of dead children, to dislodge that moral illusion from their newfangled, clergy-crafted mRNA egos, if it ever happens at all.

In addition to the VAERS data, the online NGO resources to find the stories of those who’ve been killed and injured by the Covid-19 injections are vast.  One of the best online resources is, the project of noted author, feminist and devoted defender of Western liberal democracy, Dr. Naomi Wolf.  As was revealed in the course of litigation brought by Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmidt against the Biden administration, Dr. Wolf’s reporting of the harms on women’s health and reproduction was the target of a coordinated attack from White House staffers, CDC officials, and Big Tech platforms to undermine her reports as “vaccine misinformation” – reports that have panned out to be true, and abundantly documented.  

At the governmental level, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis held a roundtable discussion with the vaccine-injured and scientific experts last December, the very day he asked the Florida Supreme Court to impanel a grand jury to investigate “any and all wrongdoing” in the Covid-19 vaccine roll out – a request that has been granted by the Florida Supreme Court.  Here is the link to that most informative event:

Perhaps knowing how destructive and deadly the belligerent male ego can be, which is one of the many reasons I am glad to be a new member of the Episcopal Church, which values the role of women as full equals, and perhaps also taking note of what a pivotal role women are playing in the grassroots movement to shed light on the lies of Big Pharma and its revolving door with the government, I could not help but wonder what one of the great women leaders of twentieth century American politics would do if she were alive today.

I cannot help but wonder how the legendary congresswoman from Texas, the great Barbara Jordan, would react if she had been hoodwinked into taking a novel medical technology, been hoodwinked into going on camera to encourage others to take it, only to learn later on that she was deceived, and that millions of people had been injured, and thousands had been killed by the medical product that she lent her good name to.  In such a hypothetical scenario, I have no way to say for certain how Barbara Jordan, a woman of impeccable character and integrity, would react under such circumstances.  Yet this clip of her Keynote Address from the 1976 Democratic National Convention at Madison Square Garden not only offers food for thought, but can, just perhaps, point leaders – including the Christian clergy – who have found themselves in our current situation in a right, and moral, direction….  

Timothy Villareal is a privately-vowed, non-canonical monk.  He lives in the Diocese of Southeast Florida.