Q&A on the forthcoming Florida episcopal election rerun


Dear Diocese of Florida,

Following the announcement of the Nov. 19 election earlier this week, we, as your Standing Committee, have two updates to share.

Election Frequently Asked Questions

We have received many questions leading up to and following the election announcement earlier this week. Our continued goal is transparency at every step of this process, ensuring all understand how and why decisions are made despite that we all will not agree.

For that reason, we have prepared a video answering many of these questions. We did our best to answer each question or concern either directly or thematically. If you have a burning question that was not answered, please contact us at standingcommittee@diocesefl.org.

Questions Addressed:

  • 0:49: Why are we holding an election now, rather than waiting as some have suggested?
  • 3:33: Why were we unable to achieve a quorum of clergy at the election, per the Court of Review’s findings?
  • 4:55: The Rev. Kurt Dunkle sent the Standing Committee a letter the day before the Convention advising them to delay. Why didn’t the Standing Committee heed his advice?
  • 7:26: What was Bishop Howard’s involvement in the nomination and election process?
  • 8:15: There have been some questions about some clergy not being granted canonical residence. Can you speak to that?
  • 9:49: Why was the Rev. Charlie Holt welcomed onto the Diocesan staff prior to the decision of the Court of Review and prior to receiving consent?
  • 11:22: Why did the Rev. Charlie Holt withdraw his acceptance of the election?
  • 12:25: How do we move toward healing and unity?

Petition Package

At the recommendation of the Presiding Bishop’s office, we will offer a 2-week Petition Process, open from 8 a.m. on Tuesday, September 20, 2022 through 5 p.m. Monday, October 3, 2022. 

Ahead of the Petition Process opening next Tuesday, we are sharing the full petition package for your review and potential submission. Below is an overview of the materials, which are all due no later than the deadline above.

Any candidates who file for nomination by petition will be vetted and qualified by the original Nominating Committee. The Standing Committee will take the recommendations of the Nominating Committee under advisement, and has final authority regarding the slate of candidates that will be brought before the Special Convention on November 19, 2022. Our goal is to announce the final slate no later than November 2.

In Christ Alone,

The Standing Committee

Until 2023      The Rev. Joe Gibbes, President

                       Mr. Ben Hill

Until 2024      The Rev. Teresa Seagle

                       Mr. Arthur Crofton

Until 2025      The Rev. Sarah Minton

                       Ms. Jackie Jones