Anglican Network in Europe to consecrate four bishops


On October 21st the Anglican Network in Europe plans to celebrate the consecration of four new bishops. They will assist Bishop Andy Lines as he leads the growing alternative to Canterbury-aligned structures in Europe.

Over the past two years the Anglican Network in Europe, with its two constituent Convocations – the Anglican Convocation in Europe (ACE) and the Anglican Mission in England (AMiE) – have grown, with new congregations and mission initiatives being formed in Wales, Scotland, continental Europe and England. Individuals and families have found faith in Christ, and mature believers have found a hope and a home in historic, orthodox, biblical, confessional Anglicanism.

The clergy have also found proper support and encouragement, accountability and oversight from a highly relational model of episcopacy which includes opening the Bible and praying with the Bishop week by week.

In order to maintain this relational episcopacy and provide for continuing growth, both AMiE and ACE will have two additional bishops who will serve the wider Convocation in addition to their local pastoral responsibilities. The names of the two AMiE bishops, Tim Davies and Lee McMunn, were announced in June. The two ACE bishops will be formally named shortly.

Archbishop Ben Kwashi, General Secretary of Gafcon, said: “The election and appointment of these servants of Christ is a testament to the work of the Holy Spirit in the mission.”

The consecration service will take place in Hull on 21st October, led by Bishop Andy Lines and Archbishop Foley Beach, Primate of the Anglican Church in North America and Chairman of the Gafcon Primates’ Council.

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