Statement from Gafcon Ireland Trustees regarding Bishop Michael Nazir Ali


(29 Oct 2021) The Trustees of Gafcon Ireland are deeply troubled by the recent transition of Bishop Michael Nazir Ali to the Roman Catholic Church. He has previously defended Christian orthodoxy around the world and courageously spoken on behalf of the persecuted church. However, Bishop Michael has now aligned himself with doctrines that are, in the words of the Thirty-nine Articles, “repugnant to the Word of God”. We cannot affirm Bishop Michael in his decision. We urge him to reconsider and return.

The first clause of the Jerusalem Declaration states that, “We rejoice in the gospel of God through which we have been saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit”. As Trustees of Gafcon Ireland, and with our members and supporters, we continue to express our loyalty to the King of kings, the Lord Jesus, and rejoice in his gospel and its faithful proclamation to all nations.