Sheffield bishop asks parishes not to participate in 2020 Franklin Graham Tour of Britain


The Rt Revd Dr Pete Wilcox, Bishop of Sheffield has made a statement in relation to the Graham Tour for 2020.  Sheffield is one of the eight locations on the tour, and a launch event was held in the city in October 2019.
“I’m afraid I cannot support the Graham Tour mission event at the FlyDSA Arena on 6 June next year, at which Franklin Graham is due to speak, and so will not be encouraging parishes in the Diocese of Sheffield to support it either.  Mr Graham’s rhetoric is repeatedly and unnecessarily inflammatory and in my opinion represents a risk to the social cohesion of our city.  I gladly took part in Billy Graham’s Mission England in 1984 as a candidate for ordained ministry, and in his LiveLink Mission in 1989 as a curate.  But to my sadness I detect a tailing off of humility and generosity in the Graham organisation since those days.”