Christians across America have been praying for the incoming administration. Regardless of our personal politics – we have been praying for the leadership of this nation, that they govern with wisdom, integrity, and a heart for the Lord.

This week, you had your new President and Vice President inaugurated in the Capitol. Again, putting party politics aside, because this has nothing to do with who we like or who we do not like – this has entirely to do with living in a Christian nation, living by Christian values, with a Christian moral compass.

So far – the new President has signed an executive order to end state-funded abortion. No more federal dollars will go towards the killing of babies, whether foreign or domestic. For years, the US has been manipulating foreign countries, saying we will give you aid to help yourselves, but first, you must sign up to our progressive ideology. In order to receive this food and medicine, you must agree to allow your citizens to kill their own offspring. This new form of colonialism is coming to an end.

By reinstating the Mexico City Policy and enforcing the Hyde Amendment, the new administration is saying the taxpayer will no longer be paying for infanticide.

Next, the US has affirmed that there is no human right to abortion. The United States has rejoined an international coalition of countries signing a declaration to care for both lives in pregnancy, both the mother and son or daughter. By rejoining the Geneva Consensus Declaration, this country is working towards preventing the emergence of a false ‘human right’ to abortion by customary international law.

After all, our rights come from God, not the state. God gives us a right to life, liberty, and private property. He does not give us the right to kill. In fact, He commands us against it.

Women and babies deserve better. That is finally being recognised.

Next up, in the Executive Order designed to protect women from the harmful extremist gender ideology, the new administration makes it explicit that there are only two genders, male and female, they are biological, and they are the sex we belong to from conception. It is important to stress here, not from birth but from the moment of conception. The US Government now legally recognises personhood from the very beginning, that human beings have rights from the moment they are conceived. And that should extend until our natural death.

Let us hope governments around the world are inspired by America’s actions this week.

This is what we pray for! When we pray for leadership founded in a Christian morality. This is precisely it.

Read it all Fr Calvin Robinson’s substack page