Diocese of Chelmsford ends training program with St Mellitus College


St Mellitus College and the Diocese of Chelmsford have today announced that the Chelmsford Teaching Centre of St Mellitus College will close in the summer of 2026 when the final ordinands in the centre have completed their training.

Over recent years the landscape of theological education and national vocations to ministry has changed significantly in the Church of England, impacting all theological colleges, and diocesan finances have come under increasing pressure. Responding to this changing landscape, over the last few months the College and the Diocese of Chelmsford have been prayerfully exploring various options at a time when numbers of vocations are fluctuating and costs are increasing.  After carefully exploring all options and balancing the need to maintain excellent learning experience, a flourishing student cohort, and financial and operational viability, they concluded that it is not possible to sustain St Mellitus College Chelmsford as a standalone centre.

Both St Mellitus College and the Diocese of Chelmsford recognise the sadness this news will bring for many alumni and the risk of uncertainty for current students and for those in discernment. The College and Diocese will be working together during this next period of transition to support and care for our students and staff team, and will be communicating with potential ordinands and licenced ministry students to explore with them the training options available.

St Mellitus College is committed to supporting the training and formation of its students, and there will be no impact from this decision on other St Mellitus College teaching centres in the East Midlands, London and South West. 

Formed from the North Thames Ministerial Training Course, St Mellitus College, Chelmsford represents nearly 30 years of theological education provision for the Diocese of Chelmsford and 17 years of partnership with St Mellitus College. Ordinands, Readers, Licenced Lay Ministers and independent students have been formed and sent from Chelmsford Cathedral, home of St Mellitus College Chelmsford, to serve parishes and communities in the Diocese of Chelmsford and the wider Church of England. While both the College and Diocese will miss the particular contribution each has made to the other’s life and ministry, we give thanks for many years of fruitful partnership in the Gospel. We look forward to continued friendships and collaboration going forward in the service of the Church, as well as celebrating the faithful ministry and good works of so many from the St Mellitus College Chelmsford community serving within the diocese and beyond.

Please do join us in praying for all those impacted by this news. In the meantime, St Mellitus Chelmsford will continue to serve its current students and in due course the college, diocese and Chelmsford Cathedral will explore how to give thanks for the contribution of St Mellitus College Chelmsford to the life of so many people in ministry.