5 July 2024

Dear Sir Keir Starmer,

Congratulations on becoming Prime Minister. Please be assured of our prayers for you and your Government.

We write as Christian ministers to express our concern at the lack of religious literacy in British public life and the unwarranted hostility this can breed towards those in Bible-believing churches like ours.

One of the major presenting issues is the way people talk about a legislative ban on so-called conversion therapy. Campaigners often imply that expressing mainstream, traditional Christian beliefs on sexuality or gender identity in pastoral conversations is, inherently, a form of ‘conversion therapy’.

Some even want a conversion therapy ban to cover gentle, non-coercive prayer. This raises the alarming prospect of police and prosecutors having to decide whether someone has prayed ‘the wrong kind of prayer’.

Conversations between parents and their children are also at risk from this broad definition of conversion therapy. This would affect gender-critical parents, not just those who are Christian.

We would be grateful for the opportunity to meet with you to discuss our concerns and to explore how we can help fill the religious literacy gap and help the Government better understand Christians and their beliefs.

Yours sincerely,

Revd Dr Thomas Brand

Ministry Director of the Evangelical Fellowship of Congregational Churches

Chairman of the Greater Love Declaration

Revd Graham Nicholls

Christ Church Haywards Heath

Director of Affinity Church Network

Revd Dr Ian Paul

St Nic’s Church Nottingham

Member of the Archbishops’ Council, Church of England

Revd Dr Matthew Roberts

Trinity Church York

Former Moderator of Synod, International Presbyterian Church

Rt Revd Andy Lines

Presiding Bishop of Anglican Network in Europe

Revd Dr Ian Hamilton

President of Westminster Seminary UK

Revd Bill James

Principal of London Seminary

Revd Dave Gobbett

Highfields Church Cardiff 

Revd Raymond Brown

East London Tabernacle Baptist Church

Revd David Pfeiffer

Whaddon Road Evangelical Presbyterian Church

Moderator of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in England and Wales