Bishop DeDe Duncan-Probe nominated by petition for election as presiding bishop


The Episcopal Church Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop (JNCPB) announced today that the Rt. Rev. DeDe Duncan-Probe, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Central New York, has been nominated through its petition process to stand for election as the 28th presiding bishop at General Convention in June 2024.

The committee said that Duncan-Probe was vetted through the same process of background and reference checks as all nominees, as required by Canon I.2.1(d)(4).

The election will take place on June 26 during The Episcopal Church’s triennial General Convention in Louisville, Kentucky.

“We are grateful that the Holy Spirit continues to guide the church’s discernment process toward electing our next presiding bishop,” said Canon Dr. Steve Nishibayashi of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles, who co-chairs the committee with the Rt. Rev. Mark Lattime, bishop of Alaska.

The Rev. Maureen-Elizabeth Hagen, a deacon who chairs the nominations subcommittee, added that committee members hope that Episcopalians will join them in praying for the nominees, their families, and their dioceses. “Our discernment has been grounded in prayer since we began meeting in 2021,” she said.

The canons limited the petition process to any bishop or deputy to the 81st General Convention. The petition process opened from Wednesday, April 3, at 12:01 a.m. EDT, and closed at 11:59 p.m. EDT Monday, April 15.

The committee’s slate of nominees, announced on April 2, includes:

The Rt. Rev. J. Scott Barker
Diocese of Nebraska

The Rt. Rev. Daniel G. P. Gutiérrez
Diocese of Pennsylvania

The Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe
Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania
Diocese of Western New York

The Rt. Rev. Robert Wright
Diocese of Atlanta

Videos of each nominee discussing a biblical image or metaphor that resonates with this moment in the life of the church and the role of the presiding bishop are available on the General Convention website. This page also includes photos and links to each bishop’s biography on their diocesan websites.

Read all press releases about the committee’s work, including information about the General Convention election process.

Those with questions may contact the committee at