In the recent past, the country has witnessed a distressing rise in the reported cases of femicide. Sadly, these may only be an insignificant representation of the extend of Gender based Violence in our communities- yet a painful reality for those affected, both victims and their families and friends; as well as the society. These cases point to an unfortunate reality that, there is still more that needs to be done to eliminate GBV. We can no longer stay silent and allow this; it cannot be perceived to be an issue that affects one section of our society.

As Faith communities, we express our solidarity in affirming the sanctity of life, and that no woman should lose her life on the account of her gender, or for any other reason. The value and dignity of human life is sacred.

We commit to work with stakeholders to raise awareness on this gross violation of the rights of women, speak against cultural interpretations that allow GBV to thrive, promote and offer support services to victims of GBV, and continued advocacy to strengthen the legal framework and ensure its enforcement to bring perpetrators to book.

It is our collective responsibility to create a society where women can live free from fear, violence and discrimination.

Attended an Interfaith Roundtable Dialogue on Ending Femicide and other Forms of GBV in Kenya convened by the Aacc Ceta and Christian Aid, Kenya , together with other partners.

ACT Alliance

ACT Alliance Kenya Forum

World Council of Churches