“We thank Bishop Helen-Ann Hartley for being willing to take up this complex portfolio alongside Bishop Martyn Snow despite the many other calls and demands upon their time and skills.
We want to acknowledge the commitment and work she has put in to LLF, as well as her vision for moving forward more creatively. We are very sorry she is stepping down, but respect and support her in her decision.
The LLF process has encouraged us all to learn more deeply about our own identities, those of the people we love, our convictions and how we live well in the world. This has been complex and painful for many of us.
Although, of course, we continue to support robust debate around these issues where there is disagreement in our church, we are dismayed that sometimes this has also included unjust and inappropriate personal attacks. As followers of Christ, the manner in which we conduct our debate is as important as the debate itself.
We are grateful to Bishop Helen-Ann and Bishop Martyn for their call for a change in tone, and their encouragement to reflect on how we all conduct ourselves in this conversation.
We hope and pray for a renewed grace and commitment to one another as we move forward together.”