25th diocese for the Church of South India


The Church of South India will inauguarte a 25th diocese this year, bifurcating the diocese of Coimbatore. Speaking at the Erode CSI Women’s Arts College, the Rt Rev Dr D Chandrasekaran stated an election for the Bishop in Erode-Salem Diocese,  will take place on 11 April 2024.

Bishop Chadrasekaran, the Moderator’s Commisary for the new diocese said nominations for the new bishop will be solicited from the 166 parishes in the diocese covering the Erode, Salem, Namakkal, Krishnagiri  and Dharmapuri districts of Tamil Nadu state. Five candidates from those nominated will be presented to the dicoesan convention for election as the first bishop in Erode-Salem, Bishop Chadrasekaran said last week.