Ohio bishop reports camp leader arrested on child pornograph charges


January 5, 2024

Dear Ones,

I am writing today with some sobering news. On Tuesday, I learned that Kelcie Dugger, the outreach director at St. Luke’s, Cleveland who led a theater camp at Bellwether Farm last summer, was indicted on December 21 on charges of possessing child pornography and was subsequently arrested. She is scheduled to appear in Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court for arraignment on January 8. Kelcie resigned her position at St. Luke’s on January 2, which is when she informed the Rev. Leah Romanelli DeJesus, St. Luke’s priest-in-charge, of this situation.

Based on our own preliminary investigation and the information we have received from the Ohio Task Force for Internet Crimes Against Children, we have no reason to believe that any children in our diocese have been harmed or exposed to inappropriate behavior or images. While leading camp at Bellwether, Kelcie was never alone with children or youth, and all safe church policies and practices were followed. She did not stay in camper cabins.

Even though we do not believe that this situation has affected children in our diocese, nothing is more important to me than their safety. If you have any concerns or any information about this situation or any related situation that you would like to share with us, I encourage you to be in touch with William Vodrey or Marie Curry at the confidential email, intakeofficer@dohio.org. They have agreed to provide assistance in this matter, and they will treat anything you tell them sensitively.

I also urge you to be in touch with law enforcement authorities if you have any information or concerns to share about this or any situation in which you believe a child may have been harmed. You can make a report at report.cybertip.org or by calling your local police department.

We expect that there may be media reports in the coming days, and I wanted to be sure that you heard this difficult news from me first. I hope that as this situation unfolds, you will join me in praying for children and youth everywhere who have been abused and exploited, and for an end to the unspeakable actions that cause their suffering. Please also pray especially for the people of St. Luke’s, for the Bellwether Camp community, for Kelcie, and for all who know and care for her.

Thank you for your commitment to the children of our diocese and our ministry together. I am grateful to serve with you.

God’s Peace,


The Rt. Rev. Anne B. Jolly

Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Ohio