Retired Pittsburgh bishop appointed acting bishop of Aberdeen & Orkney


The College of Bishops has appointed Bishop Dorsey McConnell to take over from Bishop John Armes as Acting Bishop of Aberdeen & Orkney. Bishop John has completed a year in the position of acting bishop of the Diocese having carried out his temporary duties there in tandem with his role as Bishop of Edinburgh. Bishop Dorsey is the former Bishop of Pittsburgh and was appointed Assisting Bishop in the Diocese of Aberdeen & Orkney by Bishop Anne in May 2022 with a specific remit in Orkney and Shetland. His role was broadened by Bishop John earlier this year to encompass the Diocese as a whole, and so knows the Diocese and is known by many there already.

The College of Bishops thanks both Bishop John for his commitment and dedication over the past year, and thanks Bishop Dorsey for being willing to take on this new role. Though he will not become a member of the College of Bishops or Episcopal Synod, Bishop Dorsey will be invited to meetings of the College.

The appointment of Bishop Dorsey is to provide cover for the Diocese of Aberdeen and Orkney during Bishop Anne’s continuing absence and her return to work at any point will bring the arrangement to an end. This appointment is made in the best interests of the Diocese and makes no assumption about the outcome of the continuing Canon 54 process.