LUGAZI: The Archbishop of the Church of Uganda, The Most Rev. Dr. Stephen Samuel Kaziimba Mugalu, has reaffirmed the Church’s steadfast dedication to safeguarding the institution of marriage in alignment with Biblical Scriptures, notwithstanding threats from donors.

Archbishop Kaziimba emphasized that the Church will uphold moral principles and establish self-sustaining initiatives to ensure its independence from donors who endorse homosexuality.

He said this today while officiating at the 25th wedding anniversary of Ven. Canon Edward Kironde and Mama Harriet Balamaze at Mehta Stadium in Lugazi Municipality. Ven. Balamaze is the Archdeacon of Lugazi Archdeaconry in Mukono Diocese.

“We have numerous individuals who have been benefiting from donor assistance, particularly medical aid for conditions such as HIV/AIDS and malaria. When someone attempts to withdraw such aid, it signifies lack of genuine care. Then, it means that these resources were employed to fulfill their self-centered motives,” Archbishop Kaziimba said.

He further added, “I encourage the government to view this as an opportunity to fight corruption, enabling our nation to equitably distribute the resources at hand. I am confident that by curbing excessive and luxurious expenditures, our nation will naturally progress.”

Archbishop Kaziimba lauded Ven. Canon Edward Kironde and Mama Harriet Balamaze for living as an exemplary couple and charged them to continue advocating for marriages rooted in Biblical Scriptures.

Rt Rev. Enos Kitto Kagodo, Bishop of Mukono Diocese and retired Bishops James William Ssebaggala, Jackson Matovu, and Paul Luzinda were present at the service.